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We are filling the following ampoules with our highly efficient ampoule filling machine:

  • pharmaceuticals,
    • medical devices,
    • cosmetic products,
    • and food supplements.

Bottles or vials can also be filled on request and in smaller quantities.

We have two possibilities for filling of ampoules:

  • aseptical filling with high purity (the filled ampoules do not need to be sterilized; for thermolabile products),
  • or sterile filling (autoclave the filled ampoules; pasteurize if necessary)
  • Type of Machine:

    filling machine with eight propane-oxygen burner.

  • Location:

    Reinraum Klasse B, Laminar Flow (Klasse A)

  • Power:

    Up to 24.000 Ampoules per hour for 1ml- and 2ml- ampoules

  • Charge capacity

    1.000 – 500.000 Ampoules

  • safety fumigation

    chosable between nitrogen or argon

  • annual output:

    Up to 55 million ampoules

  • ampoule type:

    Glasaampuls, Burn-on ampuls

  • Ampoule size:

    Standard 1 to 30 ml Burn-On Glasampuls

  • ampoule colour

    different coloured primary packages out of glas (white, brown, green, blue, etc.) can be filled and controlled.

Please contact us for more information!